Saturday past my was my niece's wedding day. The weather turned out wonderful after a heavy rain Friday night. For those of you not residing in New England, this summer's weather has been the pits. I pulled out all the stops taking photos. I had my Nikon N80 film camera as well as the new dare I say, Canon A590 IS digital. At times I looked like a Japanese tourist with one camera around my neck and the other in my hand. To top it off on one occasion I also had a cup of coffee in one hand as I was shooting.
I was using Ilford XPS black and white with a orange YA2 filter with a 50mm lens. Bring back memories Neil? Then I loaded the Nikon with Kodak 200 print film switching to my 70 -300 zoom, and had the digital going all the time.
Here are a couple of shots.

I like the look on O'Brian face in this one.
What can he be thinking looking at the bag piper?

The photo of Meghan and her 3 brothers up top
is film.
This shot of Meghan and O'Brian was taken with the Canon digital. I went along with the professional photographer and took a bunch of shots as he was shooting. So as they were looking at him I was shooting away. The photographer was cool about me shooting while he was working. It pays to ask and stay out of the way.
I have about 150 photos to look through, if this keeps up I may have to break down and get Photoshop for the computer.