Saturday past my was my niece's wedding day. The weather turned out wonderful after a heavy rain Friday night. For those of you not residing in New England, this summer's weather has been the pits. I pulled out all the stops taking photos. I had my Nikon N80 film camera as well as the new dare I say, Canon A590 IS digital. At times I looked like a Japanese tourist with one camera around my neck and the other in my hand. To top it off on one occasion I also had a cup of coffee in one hand as I was shooting.
I was using Ilford XPS black and white with a orange YA2 filter with a 50mm lens. Bring back memories Neil? Then I loaded the Nikon with Kodak 200 print film switching to my 70 -300 zoom, and had the digital going all the time.
Here are a couple of shots.

I like the look on O'Brian face in this one.
What can he be thinking looking at the bag piper?

The photo of Meghan and her 3 brothers up top
is film.
This shot of Meghan and O'Brian was taken with the Canon digital. I went along with the professional photographer and took a bunch of shots as he was shooting. So as they were looking at him I was shooting away. The photographer was cool about me shooting while he was working. It pays to ask and stay out of the way.
I have about 150 photos to look through, if this keeps up I may have to break down and get Photoshop for the computer.
I didn't notice it until I was going over the photos and printing them but the necklace Meghan is wearing was my mother's.
Beautiful shots! I love the B&W, (and Neil will thrill to all the technical details you provide.)
Very nice. I hope you're enjoying the new toy.
Ilford's XP2 was my b/w film of choice for the final, oh, 14 years of my film career. Great stuff, process it anywhere. Of course, pretty soon, minilabs won't process film, they'll send it out. Did you know that there's only one commercial lab in the entire world that can develop Kodachrome? And it's not in Rochester, either, since even Kodak doesn't process its flagship product.
As to what O'Brian could be thinking in the picture with the bagpiper: Given his outstretched arm, I imagine he's requesting a firearm from someone.
Could be the bagpiper is also his chiropractor.
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