Sunday, November 23, 2008

To sleep, perchance to dream Part 2

After four days on the road of not sleeping well in hotels I returned home Friday and had one good night of sleep. I was up early on Saturday to drive out to Noah's to spend the day with him. So I was really looking forward to sleeping in on Sunday morning. Sunday is usually my only day to sleep late and my body was telling me you really need a good rest.

Here's how that small dream was shattered like a sugar sculpture falling off a six story building.

What's that noise I hear? Hmm sounds like a vacuum cleaner, must be dreaming. NO what time is it???? 7:44 AM!!!! and one one my idiot neighbors is doing their best Felix Ungar imitation running the vacuum directly over my bedroom.

"O villain, villain, smiling, damned villain!"

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